Our Bona Fides

Engaging a lawyer halfway around the world can be uncomfortable.  For ease of reference, we provide the following information and links to establish our Bona Fides:

1) Marshall Islands Lawyer

a) Copy of Admission Order: RMI Admission 103 James McCaffrey

b) Court Calendar, http://rmicourts.org/.  Click on Court Calendar, my name should be on it.

c) Vice President, Marshall Islands Law Society: http://www.rmilawsociety.org/executive_members.php

2) American Attorney

State Bar of California, Attorney Search: http://members.calbar.ca.gov/fal/MemberSearch/QuickSearch.  Enter my name or State Bar Number, 121699.

Or, simply click on these results: http://members.calbar.ca.gov/fal/Member/Detail/121699

3) Solicitor, England and Wales

Find a Solicitor on the Law Society’s website: http://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/?Pro=True

Select “Person” and enter my name or SRA number, 548449.

Or, simply click on these results: http://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/search/results?Type=1&IncludeNlsp=True&SraId=548449&Pro=True